Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

Freedom to bleed is true independence

Freedom to bleed is true independence

Conformable Dignity for her by Dasra, a Mumbai-based philanthropic organization, “Girls typically miss six days a month on average due to difficulty managing their periods at school. This leads to almost 23% of girls dropping out of school at puberty, severely undermining their potential as individuals and future workers.” The state does not base its menstruation policies on the idea of ​​normalizing menstruation, but continues to treat it as an exception or a private, largely secret act. Normalizing periods would involve raising awareness in schools, workplaces and public places about the experiences of girls, women and people who bleed. Instead, the state operates within a male-centric framework, treating the absence of menstrual bleeding as the norm and allocating resources to girls and women as marginalized beneficiaries of its period policies. This approach excludes women as the ideal typical student, worker and citizen.

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