Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

How non-religious people look care – Primary Y1 RE

How non-religious people look care – Primary Y1 RE

Niamh: Hi, I’m Niamh. My parents and I don’t have a religion, but they call themselves humanists.

Humanists do not believe in a god, so they do not follow the teachings of a holy book. They believe that science and history can help explain the world.

It also means my family doesn’t have a place of worship.

But we still think community is really important and try to live a good life.

We like to meet in places where people can learn new things or live a healthy life.

Everyone is welcome.

My family are members of the museum and we also see our neighbors in the nearby park.

Humanists and many non-religious people try to be kind and help others whenever we can.

Because we believe that everyone should be treated fairly and have a good life.

For example, my family and I help take care of the environment.

Many people believe this is important because all humans and animals depend on our planet to provide the things we need for a healthy and happy life.

Humanists and non-religious people believe that we have a responsibility to make the world a better place for everyone…and also celebrate the things people have done to make it already so special!

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