Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

School official helps overcome busing issue | News, Sports, Jobs

School official helps overcome busing issue |  News, Sports, Jobs

Bryn Iverson

Through teamwork and collaboration, Assistant Superintendent Bryn Iverson and her team at Minot Public Schools overcame a transportation issue families faced this summer. Iverson’s efforts in leading her team earned her an Eagle Award from the Minot Area Chamber EDC.

Originally from Stanley, Iverson started her career in 1998 as a school counselor in Burlington. In 2001 she moved to Minot Public Schools to become a counselor at Erik Ramstad Middle School, where she filled various roles for 22 years. She is currently in her third year at the district office.

Iverson was nominated for an Eagle Award after she was contacted by a parent seeking assistance with transportation for their student from summer school to the CLC program, which was located at a different school. As it was, parents had to leave work in the middle of the afternoon to transport their students.

Initially, there was nothing Iverson could do, but after some collaboration with Principal Josh Kitzman, they were able to put a new plan together.

“If you look at a challenge as something that you can overcome – a challenge just means you have to go a different direction or a different route and try to look at things a little differently,” she said.

Once summer school started, teachers noticed the students for the English Language Learners program, which was held in the same building, had a bus with various drop off points around town. With help from Jason Kinlaw, supervisor of student transportation, along with Barry Brooks, director of purchasing and transportation, and Boyd Strand, CLC program director, they were able to make busing arrangements for the summer school students, remedying the problem.

“I won the Eagle Award because a whole bunch of people did a lot of things,” Iverson said. “I don’t want to take 100 percent of the credit for it. It was a team effort – from teachers, to directors, to principals. We all worked together and made it work best for the families.”

Iverson said the most rewarding part of her job is seeing other people be successful, whether it’s a teacher going back to school to earn an additional degree or a student who grew up to start a successful business.

“I want to help students grow and not just academically – socially, behaviorally. There’s just so many aspects to educators helping others. That’s what I’m drawn to,” she said. “I’m really honored and I’m humbled. I am not one that wants the spotlight to be on me. I’d rather the spotlight be on other people and let the success shine.”

Minot Chamber

announces Eagle

Award recipients

The Minot Area Chamber EDC has announced its Eagle Awards recipients for July. The recipients are: Bryn Iverson, Minot Public Schools; Donna Foster, US Bank; Natalie Burckhard, KeyCare Pharmacy; Melissa Biggs, CHI St. Alexius Health Clinic; Judy Grosz, Marketplace Foods; Bryana Minter, Trinity Health; Val Lentz, Optical Outlook; Marisa Haman, Ward County Auditor’s Office; Savannah Barnes, Cold Stone Creamery; Jeff Doerr, I.Keating Furniture World; Cammy McCarty, Bel Air Elementary; Mike Davis, GC Buildings; Ryan Young, Elite Property Services; and Hugh McQuarrie, Uncle Maddio’s Pizza.

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